The Expert in dog accessories
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Harnesses, collars and leashes
Sport canin
Dog training
Dog apparel
Sport harnesses
JULIUS-K9® harnesses
Puppy harness
JULIUS-K9® patches
Walking harnesses
Specialised harnesses
Harness accessories
2in1 Retriever leashes
Leash accessories
Throwing toys
Dog frisbees
Plush toys
Educating toys
Floating toys
Chewing toys
BARF pour chien
Natural pet dry food
Dog veggies
Natural pet canned food
Pet bowls
Natural food supplements
Parasite protection
Anti-stress chien
Dog brushes
Grooming accessories
Cani VTT
Canicross, jogging and biking
Apparel for owner
Service dog training
Accessoires de transport en voiture
Visibility vests
Dog beds
Poop bags
Warm coats
Rain coats
Bandanas pour chiens
Boots and socks
Rescue and visibility vests
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BARF pour chien
BARF pour chien
Les meilleurs produits pour une alimentation BARF pour chiens
Compléments alimentaires pour la nourriture de chiens BARF.
Comment préparer une ration BARF : ici
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Morceaux de patate douce grau 1,2 kg
Out of stock
Dés de carotte grau 1,2 kg
Out of stock
Dés de betterave grau 1,2 kg
PREMIUM Natural Mix Vegetables and Rice GRAU
As low as
Flocons pour chiens grau Excellence Mélange aux 5 légumes pour chiens
As low as
Out of stock
Mélange de légumes séchés naturels GRAU pour alimentation BARF
As low as
Out of stock
Natural potato flakes cooked and blanched for mixing food Grau
As low as
Out of stock
Natural dried parsnip cubes for BARF feeding GRAU
As low as
Levure de bière pure naturelle en poudre GRAU pour chiens et chats
As low as
Out of stock
Poudre de moule verte pure naturelle GRAU pour chiens et chats
As low as
Pure natural devil's claw powder grey for Dogs mobility
As low as
KOMBIMIX Grau BARF mix as a supplement to a BARF diet
As low as
Natural Rosehip Fragments with Vitamin C Supplement GRAU
As low as
Poudre d'algues marines naturelles GRAU pour pigmentation chiens chats
As low as
Natural Salmon Oil for healthy skin and coat GRAU
As low as
Complément alimentaire grau HOKAMIX Skin&Shine chien chat poil long
As low as
Out of stock
Natural food supplement Grau HOKAMIX30 for dogs against deficiencies
As low as